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8' #4wt. Titan™ Blank

8' #4wt. Titan™ Blank

The big brother of the 6'8"3wt., this rod's 8 foot length allows anglers to cast further, deal with complex currents, and obtain greater drift. This rod is most at home on small to medium streams and is wonderful for delicate dry fly presentations on smaller to mid-sized streams. Suitable for all trout species with a bias towards smaller trout and panfish.


Top users enjoy this rod's smooth casting and enjoyable delicacy.


Paul Shultz Commentary:

"Great rod! Good again for smaller streams"


Note that this product is a blank and is designed for rod builders to customize with their own guides, butt sections, etc.


    Length: 8'0" / 2.44 meters

    Weight: 1.5 oz / 43 grams

    Recommended Line Weight: #4

    Recommended Use: Freshwater - medium streams, ponds, lakes

    Recommended Catch: Medium trout, panfish

    Pieces: 3


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    • Products must be shipped within 30 days of purchase
    • Products must be in good condition
    • Client assumes all shipping costs
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